Art/tech Artist-in-Residence, Vejle Kommune
residency and exhibition, 2022 - 2023
I served as the Art/tech artist-in-residence for Vejle kommune (municipality) for 16 months beginning in 2022. As the AIR I acted as both an art and design educator and a professional artist. My job was twofold; 1) to act as a consultant and collaborator with local teachers, students and decision-makers to create events that support playful and artistic approaches to learning about new technologies and 2) to pursue the development of personal art/tech projects here in Vejle, Denmark, and abroad.

The culmination of the residency resulted in Sarah Trahan: Art/tech Huskunstner, an exhibition at Spinderihallerne. The exhibition included objects, photographs and text explaining some of my activities and projects during my time as art/tech artist-in-residence. It was organized into 4 focus areas: Teacher Collaboration & Workshops, Art in the FabLab, BioTechLab Experiments, and Fermenting Data. Each of these categories involved collaborative work with educators, designers, researchers, students and other artists from local, national and international places.The exhibition included work from my projects With/in a Landscape, Vibrant Soils, Hot Plastic and Surface Error.

This residency was made possible through support from Vejle kommune and a generous grant from Statens Kunstfond. Other supporting partners for the residency include Vejle Bibliotekerne, Vejle Musik-og kulturskole, FabLab Spinderihallerne, BioTechLab Spinderihallerne and the Fermenting Data project. Images and video courtesy of Jonas Normann.

+ Interview in Kulturmonitor

+ Spinderihallerne AIR page
+ #arttechhuskunstner on Instagram

Exhibition view, Art in the FabLab.

Exhibition view, Vibrant Soils project.

Exhibition view, Vibrant Soils project.

Exhbition view, Teacher Collaboration.

Exhbition view, Teacher Collaboration.

Exhibition view, Plastic Fantastic project.

Exhibition view, Plastic Fantastic and Surface Error projects.

Exhibition view, BioTechLab Experiments.

Detail, clay prints.

Exhibition view, Fermenting Data.


Exhibition view, Art in the FabLab.