Shadow Self
exhibition, Distillery Gallery, 2019

Shadow Self is an exploration of the evolving role of technology as a tool, medium, and active collaborator in artistic practice. Designed and developed by myself and Andrew Sliwinski, this work includes participation by a custom-built Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) – a type of machine learning system – which has been trained on my social media “likes”. The art-making process begins by sending a piece of my artwork to the GAN, which returns a new, novel image in response. The AI’s response takes into account my artwork as well as it’s training on my aesthetic tastes from social media. The GAN’s response is then subsequently integrated into my next artwork, which is then fed back into the GAN, and so on, and so on. The work shown here is a single series of back and forth exchanges between myself and the GAN; creating a form of dialogue between the artist and the technology, the artist and the tool, and ultimately the artist and herself.

This project was shown in Dear So And So, a group show focused on collabortaive artist projects. The exibition was curated by Helen Popinchalk and shown at the Distillery Gallery in Boston, MA.

Boston Hassle Review

Artist input, collage on paper.

GAN output from artist’s image.
Animation of the GAN processing input.

Animation of part of the GAN training set, from the artist’s Tumblr likes.
Artist image, cut and folded paper collage, 11 x 14 in.
GAN image, Archival inkjet print, 11 x 14 in.

Exhibition view.

Exhibition view.

Installation detail.

Artist image, cut and folded paper collage, 11 x 14 in.

GAN image, Archival inkjet print, 11 x 14 in.